
Blog posts : "Lightning Protection Design"

7 Benefits Of Lightning Protection Design Products By LEC

You need to think about preventing the strike rather than collecting it.

Did you know that a comprehensive lightning protection design system will include all three types of protection: Protection against direct lightning strikes, grounding, and surge protection solutions?

Lightning is the…

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Everything You Need To Know About Lightning Protection Design Process

The purpose of lightning protection design is to safeguard valuable equipment and assets from the hazards arising from exposure to lightning. Benjamin Franklin invented the earliest lightning safety instrument, the lightning rod, in 1752. It still represents a viable solution to lightning strike…

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One Solution To All Traditional Lightning Protection Design System Problems

“Struck by lightning” is a metaphor for sudden, unpredictable disaster. A large thunderstorm can produce over 100 lightning flashes a minute, and even a modest storm cloud can generate the energy of a small nuclear power plant (a few hundred megawatts). Not all lightning strikes the ground, but that…

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Protecting Your Commercial Solar Panels With Lightning Protection Design System

Lightning is very destructive and is one of the top natural elements that cause damage to solar panels. Let us see how failures of renewable energy solar power systems can be avoided during a lightning event by installing a professionally designed code-compliant lightning protection design system.

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Datacenter Lightning Protection Design

Lightning strike incidents have long been a concern in the data center industry. To help reduce downtime and the loss of human life, coordinated earthing and lightning protection systems are a critical component for the protection of the building envelope its electronic contents along with human lif…

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4 Very Important Considerations For Lightning Protection Design Systems

When it comes to lightning protection, many people think of Benjamin Franklin’s experiment of flying a kite in a lightning storm. Franklin did usher in the thinking that buildings could be protected from lightning. While he used a simple metal rod to safely direct the electricity, today’s lightn…

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Risk Assessment for Best Lightning Protection Design System

The starting point in lightning protection system design is an assessment and calculation of the actual risk from a potential lightning-related damage. Lightning Eliminators provides comprehensive lightning risk assessments and lightning protection plans that will help to ensure that a lightning str…

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Experts Recommend Lightning Protection Design Systems by LEC

Every flash of lightning is potentially carrying millions of volts of electricity. Contrary to popular opinion, lightning can strike anywhere repeatedly, it doesn’t always strike tall buildings and even can strike up to 80 kilometres away from the point of impact. LEC can protect your business from …

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Minimize Loss and Damage with Lightning Protection Design Product and Solution

In the United States, lightning is one of the most dangerous and frequent weather hazards. It’s fascinating to watch, but lightning can result in severe injuries and even death to people and massive damage to critical assets.

Thus it’s important that your facility, personnel, equipment and mach…

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Affordable Lightning Protection Design That Meets Building’s Aesthetic Requirements

Across industries, the power of lightning strikes to injure personnel, destroy assets, and disrupt processes through fire, explosion, or electrical damage is clear. Thus a proper lightning protection design is very important to ensure increased protection of a building against lightning and its effe…

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Keep Your Property Safe With Lightning Protection Design Systems

Every minute, more than 2,000 lightning flashes occur over the earth's surface. Usually, this lightning discharges harmlessly in the atmosphere, but when this lightning strikes the ground, it can cause considerable property damage, injury, and even loss of life.

You can't stop lightning, but you …

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The Only Lightning Protection Design System That Every Wind Farm Owner Should Consider

In early wind turbine installations, lightning was not considered a threat, or the nature of the threat was not well understood; however over recent years there have been a large number of lightning strikes reported to wind turbines and in many of these there have been instances of severe damage.

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12 blog posts