
Cost Effective Lightning Protection Solutions for Every Industry

A lightning strike is basically a massive electric spark that’s either travelling between the clouds or from a cloud down to earth. This is an uncontrollable natural phenomenon with an estimated 30 to 50 million volts in each lightning.

Think your business doesn’t need lightning protection? Think again.

200 thunderstorms are happening on earth on any given moment with 100 lightning flashes occurring every second. Maybe you are thinking it doesn’t matter as your facility is not in a lightning prone area. The truth is that lightning doesn’t discriminate; it can strike anywhere on earth.

And when lightning directly strikes a building, it has the potential to damage the structure, critical equipment and also the occupants as it can induce fast transient over voltages into the power system.

Fortunately of all the violent and catastrophic natural calamities, lightning is one of the most simple and economical to be protected against and we are pioneers in innovative lightning protection technology with a ‘no strike’ warranty.

At Lightning Eliminators we offer superior lightning protection system to suit all types of commercial and industrial buildings. Our lightning protection and surge protection solutions are based purely on solid, well-grounded science. We endeavour to supply turnkey solutions, which are both technically and economically effective.

We can protect your facility from a lightning strike in just two steps:

  • Dissipate lightning before it strikes
  • Safely conduct the lightning current it cannot dissipate, into the ground while minimising its effects

Our lightning protection system does not attract a lightning strike. Rather, it prevents the occurrence of a lightning strike in a safe zone. And in case of a direct lightning strike, if any electrical discharge does get through, our system provides a specified pathway on which lightning can travel and ground itself to earth. This double lightning protection leaves the structure, its occupants, and materials unharmed.

Further, every installation is done with minimum disruptions to your services. All our manufactured and patented lightning protection and surge protection products comply with the appropriate national and international standards. We also extend a ‘no strike’ warranty with all our installation and services.

With the wealth of experience of over 4 decades, LEC is a well-known advisor for an appropriate and cost-effective lightning protection solution to meet your specific need.


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